Weekly Review for Law Practice Tips for Friday, September 19, 2014

weekly review for Law Practice Tips

weekly review for Law Practice TipsHere are some recent articles of interest that I found this week related to law practice management, law technology, and legal marketing. Enjoy!

Legal Tech Gadgets: Apple’s New Watch: No One Predicted It Would Be This Cool
A relaxed, confident and effervescent Tim Cook wowed the Apple faithful with the long-awaited, heavily-hyped (though, as I’ll argue later, underhyped) Apple Watch. Cook’s almost childlike enthusiasm seems entirely justified: Based on first impressions, Apple Watch has the potential to be yet another transformative device for the company. It’s the ammunition needed to put to rest the Haunted Empire/Apple-After-Steve-Is-Dead meme if not once and for all, at least until this time next year when the restless tech press will almost certainly ask: “What have you done for me lately?”

Apple Watch — not iWatch — puts the brand front and center in a sophisticated piece of personal technology that has been smoldering, but hasn’t caught fire. Pebble really got the niche going when its Kickstarter campaign broke all records. But while Pebble has gained considerable techie cred (I don’t leave home without it), few people outside that bubble even know what it is.  Read more here

Law Practice Management Tips: Are Your Clients Losing Confidence at Your Front Door?
Don’t you hate that awkward feeling when you walk into a restaurant and you’re not sure what to do?

There’s no “seat yourself” sign, and there’s no “wait to be seated sign.” There’s something that kind of looks like a host stand, but there’s no one standing there to greet you.

There are people seated nearby and at the bar. They turn to look at you as you stand there looking perplexed, and you only feel more confused as they all stare at your awkwardness.

Is that what it’s like when clients show up at your office? Does it feel awkward? Do they wonder where to go, where to stand, and what to do?

Read more here

Legal Tech Tips: App of the Week: Pomotodo – Manage Your To-Do Lists the Pomodoro Way
Recently, I came across a post on the Lawyer’s Mutual site about how law students can guard their time using the Pomodoro Technique. So can lawyers, or anyone interested in managing their time more efficiently and focusing on tasks more effectively, one project at a time.

We’re huge proponents of the technique here on the Legal Productivity blog: working in short bursts – usually 25 minutes – focusing on only one thing with no distractions, followed by a 5-minute break. So much, in fact, that we made a video. Watch it here

Law Practice Management: Nine Tips for Handling Unpaid Fees
“As night follows day, a counterclaim for malpractice will follow a lawsuit for fees.”

So said Chicago insurance claims manager Brant Weidner at an ABA-sponsored legal malpractice panel.

And it will surprise exactly nobody that an insurer is not wild about the idea of an insured going around suing clients for unpaid fees.
But the truth is everybody loses in a fee suit. In fact, by the time it reaches that point the lawyer has already lost.

Read the Nine Ways to Avoid a Fee Dispute here

Law Practice Management: Why Your Referral Partners Won’t Refer You
Having another attorney, business owner or colleague recommend you is a great compliment as well as one of the best ways to build your law firm. However, not all law firm referral partner relationships are successful. If you’re wondering why some of your connections are simply not referring new business your way, there may be some very specific reasons why.
If you are looking for ways to build a network of referral sources for your law firm, check out this post and video 4 Steps to Building a Network of Referral Sources For Your Law Firm – it includes great tips you can implement right now.

Read the 5 Reasons Why Your Referral Partners Won’t Refer You here

Thank you for reading (and sharing). Stay tuned for next week’s weekly review for Law Practice Tips!
