Reality Stars are Oxymorons

Sixty Seconds of Fame for a Lifetime of Shame?

If you are a reality star and you are reading this because you think oxymoron is a compliment, you really need help.  I for one cannot wait for reality stars and the attitudes that go with them to be so 2010.  How did our society come to cherish and revere stupidity?  I think the majority of us shake our heads in disbelief when we hear the latest comments of talentless wanna-be superstars.  Yet, for some perverse reason, many people follow these trainwrecks and worse yet emulate their antics.  You see it with impressionable children all the way up to young adults and even parents who want to be part of the cool crowd.  This creeping lunacy even now extends to the office and dare I say to the legal profession and Courts.  Everyone wants to be a commentator and expert with a big opinion.  Just check any news program these days to see the incoming viewer comments and ask yourself if the views expressed are moderate or those that are extreme and intended to garner attention.  I would argue that we have trickle-up idiocy in our society and it is time to just say no.  

I get it that everyone wants to be heard and to matter.  But as a novel idea, we should want to be heard and to matter for the right reason and not just for the sake of being heard.  Pride should matter as should reputation.  Intelligence, reason, compassion and understanding are noble attributes.  Expressing a well reasoned opinion generally requires some work, thought, time and more than 140 characters on Twitter.  Extreme is not always better and by definition should not be the norm.  It is also a lot tougher to get along and reach common ground when you have camps of people espousing radically different and extreme views.  If you need confirmation for any of this, make an appointment with a Senator.  I am not saying that reality stars and the attitudes they espouse are the cause of the decline of our universe, but they sure cannot be helping. 
