Weekly Review for Miami Lawyer and Florida Legal News for Friday, February 27, 2015

weekly review for Law Practice Tips and Florida Insurance Law

weekly review for Law Practice Tips and Florida Insurance LawHere are some recent articles of interest that I found this week related to law practice management, law technology, and legal marketing. Enjoy!

Hit and Run Car Accidents in Florida up 23% in 2014
Florida law enforcement officials say hit and run crashes are increasing at an alarming rate. That’s why they’re launching a new campaign to let drivers know that leaving the scene of an accident can result in tougher penalties.

Read more here

Florida has highest number of enrollees under health law
Florida has eclipsed California to become the state with the highest number of consumers buying health coverage through new insurance markets under the Affordable Care Act, according to federal statistics released Wednesday.

Read more here

In a twist, fight for medical pot goes to Florida Statehouse
Republicans lawmakers in Florida who once opposed medical pot are now embracing it, motivated by the strong show of support from voters and worried that another constitutional amendment during next year’s presidential race could drive opponents to the polls.

Read more here

Thank you for reading (and sharing). Stay tuned for next week’s weekly review for Law Practice Tips and Florida Insurance Law!

Weekly Review for Miami Lawyer and Florida Legal News for Friday, February 20, 2015

weekly review for Law Practice Tips and Florida Insurance Law

weekly review for Law Practice Tips and Florida Insurance LawHere are some recent articles of interest that I found this week related to law practice management, law technology, and legal marketing. Enjoy!

How To Leave Your Law Firm And Start A Startup
To start a company that grows, you will eventually have to leave your job. But starting companies has never been less expensive. To get the first version of ReplyAll up and running, we spent only $20K on development. It sucked and didn’t gain much traction, but it was something to work with and we were able to use the the first version to iterate and build something a little better. What this means for you is that you can keep your job while having a freelance technical team build a lean version of your idea that you can test on nights and weekends to see if your idea has legs.

Read more here

Legal Tech Tips: How lawyers use Dropbox 
Dropbox is an online storage vault for your files that syncs with a designated folder on your computer and across mobile devices. It’s increasingly popular with lawyers as the 2014 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report indicates, with 65.3% of lawyers downloading Dropbox in 2014, up from only 15.2% the prior year.

Here are stories from lawyers who use Dropbox. Read more here… 

Thank you for reading (and sharing). Stay tuned for next week’s weekly review for Law Practice Tips and Florida Insurance Law!

Weekly Review for Law Practice Tips for Friday, September 19, 2014

weekly review for Law Practice Tips

weekly review for Law Practice TipsHere are some recent articles of interest that I found this week related to law practice management, law technology, and legal marketing. Enjoy!

Legal Tech Gadgets: Apple’s New Watch: No One Predicted It Would Be This Cool
A relaxed, confident and effervescent Tim Cook wowed the Apple faithful with the long-awaited, heavily-hyped (though, as I’ll argue later, underhyped) Apple Watch. Cook’s almost childlike enthusiasm seems entirely justified: Based on first impressions, Apple Watch has the potential to be yet another transformative device for the company. It’s the ammunition needed to put to rest the Haunted Empire/Apple-After-Steve-Is-Dead meme if not once and for all, at least until this time next year when the restless tech press will almost certainly ask: “What have you done for me lately?”

Apple Watch — not iWatch — puts the brand front and center in a sophisticated piece of personal technology that has been smoldering, but hasn’t caught fire. Pebble really got the niche going when its Kickstarter campaign broke all records. But while Pebble has gained considerable techie cred (I don’t leave home without it), few people outside that bubble even know what it is.  Read more here

Law Practice Management Tips: Are Your Clients Losing Confidence at Your Front Door?
Don’t you hate that awkward feeling when you walk into a restaurant and you’re not sure what to do?

There’s no “seat yourself” sign, and there’s no “wait to be seated sign.” There’s something that kind of looks like a host stand, but there’s no one standing there to greet you.

There are people seated nearby and at the bar. They turn to look at you as you stand there looking perplexed, and you only feel more confused as they all stare at your awkwardness.

Is that what it’s like when clients show up at your office? Does it feel awkward? Do they wonder where to go, where to stand, and what to do?

Read more here

Legal Tech Tips: App of the Week: Pomotodo – Manage Your To-Do Lists the Pomodoro Way
Recently, I came across a post on the Lawyer’s Mutual site about how law students can guard their time using the Pomodoro Technique. So can lawyers, or anyone interested in managing their time more efficiently and focusing on tasks more effectively, one project at a time.

We’re huge proponents of the technique here on the Legal Productivity blog: working in short bursts – usually 25 minutes – focusing on only one thing with no distractions, followed by a 5-minute break. So much, in fact, that we made a video. Watch it here

Law Practice Management: Nine Tips for Handling Unpaid Fees
“As night follows day, a counterclaim for malpractice will follow a lawsuit for fees.”

So said Chicago insurance claims manager Brant Weidner at an ABA-sponsored legal malpractice panel.

And it will surprise exactly nobody that an insurer is not wild about the idea of an insured going around suing clients for unpaid fees.
But the truth is everybody loses in a fee suit. In fact, by the time it reaches that point the lawyer has already lost.

Read the Nine Ways to Avoid a Fee Dispute here

Law Practice Management: Why Your Referral Partners Won’t Refer You
Having another attorney, business owner or colleague recommend you is a great compliment as well as one of the best ways to build your law firm. However, not all law firm referral partner relationships are successful. If you’re wondering why some of your connections are simply not referring new business your way, there may be some very specific reasons why.
If you are looking for ways to build a network of referral sources for your law firm, check out this post and video 4 Steps to Building a Network of Referral Sources For Your Law Firm – it includes great tips you can implement right now.

Read the 5 Reasons Why Your Referral Partners Won’t Refer You here

Thank you for reading (and sharing). Stay tuned for next week’s weekly review for Law Practice Tips!

Weekly Review for Law Practice Tips for Monday, September 8, 2014

Weekly review for Law Practice Tips

Weekly review for Law Practice TipsHere are some recent articles of interest that I found this week related to law practice management, law technology, and legal marketing. Enjoy!

Law Business: 12 pieces of LinkedIn advice you’ve (likely) never heard
Did you know there’s a way to make second- and third-degree connections appear in your feed, or that you can message people in the same groups as you? Read on for more LinkedIn hacks here

Legal Marketing: Why Social Media Doesn’t Work For Attorneys and what to do about it
If you’ve seen any of the ‘ALS Challenge’ videos over the last few weeks, you have witness the power of social media. The ‘ALS Challenge’ has captured the attention of millions of people all over the world and at the same time it’s raised millions of dollars over a very short period of time.

The lesson here is learning just how to leverage the power of social media for your law practice. No, you don’t HAVE to do use social media, but if you don’t, your competition will and they will be happy to take your business.

One thing that Joel shared stuck out to me. Do you know what social media is really about? It’s about life. It’s about relationships. It’s about real people sitting behind a computer and they’re just like you – they have successes, they have problems … and they need a solution to those problems.

As a practicing attorney, YOU are the solution to many of those problems.
Here’s what social media is not.

Read more here

Lawyer Tech and Trial Tips: Tips for Better Presenting Photographs in Court
Well-presented photographs are powerful tools for litigators. In this post, I’ll share some samples that show how we’ve helped litigators use photographs in court, along with a number of tips for getting the most from your photographs in litigation.

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Law Practice Management Tips: How To Run A Law Firm Like A Startup
Most law firms bill clients by the hour. It’s been this way for decades. But the system is fundamentally flawed: It rewards employees for being unproductive.
Social enterprise attorney Kyle Westaway is trying to change that. He works out of his Brooklyn loft and has found some of his young startup clients via social media. He uses virtually no paper and bills on a by-project basis.

Read more here

Thank you for reading (and sharing). Stay tuned for next week’s weekly review for Law Practice Tips!

Weekly Review for Law Practice Tips for Friday, August 29, 2014

Law Practice Tips August 29, 2014

Law Practice Tips August 29, 2014Here are some recent articles of interest that I found this week related to law practice management, law technology, and legal marketing. Enjoy!

Legal Tech Tips: Best Gmail features: Unsubscribe button added at last
Earlier this year we heard rumblings that Google was planning to add a killer new feature to Gmail: An “unsubscribe” button at the top of every promotional email that would make it vastly easier for you to get rid of annoying promotions once and for all. Months later, it looks like Google is finally ready to take the wraps off the feature, which it touted on Wednesday in a new post on Gmail’s Google+ page.  Read more here

App of the Week: Pushbullet- Share Anything Instantly Between Your Electronic Devices (Looks like a game changer!)
In June’s WWDC Keynote, Apple introduced their new iOS for mobile devices as well as Yosemite, their new Mac operating system (both of which are due sometime in the fall). One of the most talked about features is the way it will connect your computer and mobile devices. Phone calls and SMS can be pushed to your computer, and with the new “handoff” feature you can pass whatever you’re doing from one device to another.

If you don’t own a mac, or you’re just tired of being left of of the Apple loop and would still like to have similar functionality on your devices, download the free Pushbullet app today.  Read more here

Legal Practice Tips: Review: Presentations by David Sparks — Keynote manual and speaking tips
Most lawyers that I know give presentations from time to time, whether they be formal opening statements or closing arguments to a jury, teaching a CLE, client presentations or even just running a small meeting. Considering this, you would think that most lawyers should be pretty good at it. But I am amazed at the number of presentations I see in which lawyers use PowerPoint slides with almost every word of the presentation typed, typically in a small font to fit all of those words on the slide (so the audience can barely read them anyway), and then the presentation consists of little more than reading those slides.  Read more here

Law Practice Tips: Lawyer mindfulness, best meditation apps for iPhone
Looking for the best iPhone apps to help you relax, track, and make the most out of your meditation time? Sometimes the stresses of our everyday lives can make mental health more important than ever. Even if it’s only for 30 minutes, being able to disconnect from our devices and the outside world can help eliminate stress and clear your mind. The App Store is full of apps to help you make the most of every meditation session, but which meditation apps for iPhone are the absolute best?
Read more here

Legal Tech Tips: What is So Awesome About Dropbox?
Dropbox is awesome. I love Dropbox. What’s cool about it is that you can save things on your computer and access it from anywhere at any time.

So the way it works is that you have an agent on your computer that synchronizes with Dropbox in the cloud. So the files are stored both locally on your computer and in Dropbox. You update any of your files, it automatically gets synchronizes with the cloud, and it’s instantaneous.

Now, imagine this. You can go to another computer and install Dropbox on that, and if you log in with the same credentials, your files are instantly replicated onto that other computer. It’s really amazing because it allows you to work with other people and have a completely synchronized file system.

Furthermore, you can access it from your mobile devices. So if you’re on the road and you need access to a document that’s on your computer, you can get to it.

Read more here

Legal Practice Tips: The Best Subject Line to Get Your Email Opened
Believe it or not, the best subject lines start with “Re:” “RE: Follow Up” “Re: update” “Re: Introduction” and “Re: Checking in”.  Read more here

Law Practice Management: Monetizing your time for solo success
As I approach my 10th year of practice, I have fine-tuned various systems that have allowed me to stay in business this long. Let’s face it, being a solo-practitioner is difficult when you have to wear many hats to do it profitably.

As solos, we have to be responsible for business development, accounting, delivery of legal work, customer service, social media and many other roles. The reality is that we have too many demands to meet in a 40-hour workweek.  Read more here

Legal Marketing Tips: Should Law Firms Focus on Social Media or Search Engine Marketing?

It is difficult to respond to legal marketing questions with a simple answer. For instance, what source of referral traffic should you care about most, social media or search engines?  Read more here

Law Practice Management Ideas: Size Matters – downsizing for retirement.
The most common exit strategies for retiring solo practitioners and small law firm owners typically include recruiting a successor, merging with another law firm, or selling the practice. All of these options have advantages and disadvantages.
However, there’s one strategy that is rarely considered, though it may make the most sense in terms of the retiring lawyer’s financial and personal well-being. That strategy is downsizing.

It’s a rather simple concept, and works well for both solo practitioners and small law firm owners. In a nutshell, the attorney takes fewer cases and works less while reducing overhead expenses.  Read more here

Legal Tech Tips: An Android App – Tasker review: The thing you need to do all the things
Android is an enigmatic and wondrous ecosystem in which many, many things are possible. Unfortunately, many of those things aren’t possible out of the box. That’s where automation apps like Tasker come in.

Tasker helps our supposedly smart smartphones do more for themselves, and do more for us. Tasker is the duct tape that many of us use to bind apps and sensors together into many wacky inventions. Like duct tape it cannot fix everything, nor is it the easiest substance to work with, but almost every house has duct tape, and almost every serious Android user should have Tasker in their back pocket — or wherever they keep their phone.  Let’s take a deeper dive into Tasker.  Read more here

Thank you for reading (and sharing). Stay tuned for next week’s weekly review for Law Practice Tips!
