Miami Insurance Lawyer

Miami Insurance Lawyer Help

RUSSELL | LAW and Patrick Russell, Esq. a Miami Insurance Lawyer can assist you with Florida property insurance claims. Disputes may arise between an insurance company and its insured over whether a particular claim is covered by the insurance policy or the amount of the damages for the claim.  We are available to help you with all of these issues for a Florida homeowner insurance claim (damages due to fire, windstorm, flood) or a Florida business insurance claim (business property damage, inventory theft or destruction).

Florida Insurance Law Defined

Insurance law concerns the contractual relationship between an insurance company and its insured, the policy owner. The insurance policy is a lengthy written document that contains all the provisions, conditions, and exclusions for insurance coverage. The insurance policy is a binding and enforceable legal contract between you and the insurance company. Certain losses may be excluded from coverage and certain acts or a failure to act by a policy owner may result in the denial of an insurance claim by the insurance company. Disputes arise when there is a denial of insurance coverage, a cancellation of an insurance policy, or if there is an improper adjustment or valuation of a claim. If your Florida insurance claim has been denied or if you do not agree with the valuation of your damages, please consult a Miami Insurance Lawyer immediately.

Miami Insurance Lawyer Benefits

We can from start to finish process your insurance claim with the insurance company. Russell Law will analyze the insurance policy, your damages, and the insurance company’s response to determine the best course of action for you. We will organize and timely submit all documentation for your claim to the insurance company. Our office will respond to all inquiries from the insurance company or its adjusters. Should you need to provide a sworn statement, affidavit of damages, or sit for an examination under oath, Patrick Russell, Esq., will prep you for the same and attend any such examinations with you. Should your insurance claim be wrongfully denied, Russell Law will file a breach of contract or a petition for declaratory relief on your behalf to collect what you are owed.

Florida Insurance Law Statutes

Relevant Florida Statutes for Florida Insurance law are below.  Clicking on a link below will open up a new window or tab in your browser.  This site will remain open for you to return to simply by clicking on its open window or tab.


Florida Insurance Contracts

Florida Motor Vehicle Insurance

Florida Motor Vehicle Required Insurance

Florida Motor Vehicle Required PIP Insurance

Florida Property Insurance

Florida Premium Finance Companies and Agreements

Florida Unfair Insurance Trade Practices

